Friday, 19 June 2015

The Square "S" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet.

I vibrated the calls and the names, and visualized the pyramid. For a few 
moments, I got an image of rapidly blowing air, the movement being 
generated by heat from fires below. However, the heat did not reach up to 
the level where I was, which was cool.

Above me I saw the sphere of the earth looming down towards me, but 
the sense of gravity was pulling towards the fire and not the earth. There 
was an impression of many angels or beings flashing by me, but I could 
not see them clearly, only a silvery-white or yellow blur. It seemed that 
they were moving too fast to see. But some of them would stop for just a 
split-second to look at me, and by the time the images of them registered, 
they would be gone again. 

The "afterimages" from these brief stops let me see that they were 
wearing diaphanous white or yellow gowns, much like the usual T-cross 
magician's robe, but with two or three additional layers of sheer cloth that 
blew in the wind. They seemed to have dark faces with blonde hair, and a 
sharp but delicate bone structure.  The eyes were wide, dark, and serious.

At the time I did not consciously see more than this. The last thing I recall 
hearing was a voice saying "What the force of the square "T" conceals 
and encysts, here I disperse." 

I couldn't seem to get a clearer picture, or to get another image, so I 
returned to my body, thinking that the attempt had failed, and that it would 
have to be done over again. Yet there was sense of things unfinished. I 
felt restless. The body wanted to move around and do something active. 
My mind felt relaxed and free of pressures, but unable to focus, or to 
produce the idea for something to do.  And despite this feeling, there was 
a pressure on the top of the head that was giving me a tension headache. 
(All this obviously relates to the forces of the pyramid. Fire at the bottom, 
air in the middle, and earth at the top.)

Sometimes such feelings indicate that there is a message to be passed to 
me by automatic writing. I had learned this talent early, and had 
developed it to the point where it was actually automatic typing using my 
word-processor, often at faster speed than I can type consciously.

I sat down at the processor, and got just a little bit of message. The being 
identified himself as NSITM, the archangel ruling this square of the tablet. 
He said that he had come to tell me all about the kerubic squares of this 
lesser angle. He began an introductory sentence, and then the sense of 
contact was cut off completely. There was no impression that the 
intelligence was still around.

The restless feelings reappeared. I did a banishing, hoping this would at 
least tone down the power of it. In spite of the banishings, this feeling of 
the power of the square continued for most of the day. I felt both mentally 
dispersed and physically restless until evening, when an additional 
banishing caused them to cease. 

But in writing this down the next day, I found that I remembered a great 
deal more than I had seen at the time. The events described below were 
not consciously experienced, but in writing this account they appeared to 
me as a memory of an event that had actually happened. I can not 
distinguish it from the memory of other visions that I did have consciously. 
The only thing that convinces me now that I did not see it consciously is 
my memory of doing other things at the time, and being totally unaware of 
such a vision occurring. Apparently the vision continued at some level of 
my mind without my attention.

After the fact, I recall seeing a picture of a great white cliff. The ground 
extending back from the top of the cliff was black. Along the face of this 
cliff, a large number of angels worked, hurriedly bringing things, and 
taking things away. I could not see clearly what they brought7, but it went 
into the cliff face and was buried in the earth. The angels took away great 
pieces of the cliff itself, which looked crystalline from a closer viewpoint. 
These pieces they scattered about the surface of the earth, producing life 
in great variety. Everywhere a piece fell, new life arose into being. Each 
new life was actually a whole planet somewhere in the cosmos, with its 
entire systems of animals, plants and intelligent beings.

And an angel said to me: "The cycle of life in the earth is controlled by 
these squares of the lesser angle of fire, in the Wall of Earth. First, in the 
square "T", is the life injected into the potential of being by the will of the 
gods. It takes on the quality of earth, and therefore does its flashing 
brightness bemoan its loss of self. But without its loss, the earth were 
mere dead matter, inert and without possibility of form. 

"In the square "M" is the life spread throughout the earth. Where the fires 
of "T" were encapsulated as it were, so the waters of "M" do leach the life 
from its capsule, and spread it throughout the base-matter, making it living 
and receptive to the thoughts of the gods. Under the pressure from the 
earth above, this life-infested matter changes to a crystalline form. Each 
unit of crystal possesses the full capabilities of the original life-impulse, 
with the added ability to produce more life-crystals without loss to itself."8

(I noted in passing that while the individual units had a crystalline form, 
they did appear to have some inherent flexibility. There was also a vitality 
to them, an impression that one body was not enough to hold their force. 
They were ready to multiply at any instant. When the crystals were in 
groups, they bunched together in a way that reminded me of muscle 
fibers, so that individual crystals could slide around a bit without losing 
place in the group.)

I asked the angel why my vision of the square "M" had not revealed this. 
The angel replied that it did, but that I had misinterpreted what I saw. The 
drops of glowing fire on the cliff face of that vision were the encapsulated 
lives of the square "T". They fell into the waters, where they were 
dispersed and distributed throughout the earth. The metallic flakes in the 
water were the dissolved lives of "T". The waters were called the "Waters 
of Death", both because of the Scorpio connection and because to the 
lives it did indeed appear as a form of death, that is, a disruption of their 
unity. The steam of the meeting of fire and water in that vision produced 
the air in which the angel and I were presently standing. The fact that the 
square "M" was a transitional form accounted for the were-creature and 
the other references to retained characteristics.

He also mentioned that if I had used the main attributes, I would have 
seen the flakes of life come out of the water greatly expanded. Each 
would have been equal to the original drops of fire, and be blown 
westward into the square "S". Thus the life multiplied itself out of the 
energy of matter. I would also have seen that they emerged from their 
bath with an aspect of hardness and sharpness that they did not have 
before. The waters are the waters of the Styx, and they are armored like 
Achilles from the water's touch. But having been bathed fully, they have 
known Death and will no longer feel the touch of his arrow.

The angel continued: "These processes are ever continuous, so that the 
crystals of life must be moved from their place, to make way for yet more 
life. Here in the square "S", we take the encapsulated lives of the square 
"T", and place them in the richest parts of the earth. In return, we take the 
crystals of life that are extruded from the cliff face, and we scatter them 
across the universe, so that the gods will have many canvasses upon 
which to work their art."

The angel showed me the scattering of the life-crystals. The material 
universe is seen as a great plane of energy from this square. It is in fact 
the field of flames that caused the air to move at the beginning of the 
vision. This energy in great abundance is everywhere ideal for the 
seeding of life, for it can do nothing of itself, but must have the impulse of 
life to bring it into form. 

Within the field, there are stresses that dictate that life take one form or 
another in order to move there. Incompatible forms are destroyed quickly, 
because they can not assimilate the kinds of energy available. I saw the 
angels take the life-crystal lumps they carried, and cut them into pieces 
that matched the stresses in a particular area. Then they would place the 
pieces carefully, so that the lines of stress in the area were aligned with 
the striations of the crystals. Leftover pieces were shaped to fill the 
stressed area to its full limits. The angel told me that this activity caused 
all the niches in the ecology to be filled with appropriate life.

Each piece so placed began to radiate like a sun, even brighter than the 
fires in which it lay. The light increased as the fires themselves began to 
take on the pattern and radiance of the crystals. It was said: "Thus does 
life create order, out of the chaos of universal energy. Through its very 
existence, it demands that the energy of the material world take on orderly 
forms. Not only within the limits of its own area, but extending by its 
radiance to other areas that have no life of their own. Its living beings 
become gods, and the agents of gods, making the creation in matter."

Without pause, the angel went on: "In coming to these squares, you 
sought knowledge of the enochian worlds, and of the powers thereof. We 
have given you in full measure what we have here, and will give more as 
you explore the last of our squares,"I". That you have not seen all that is 
here is certain, for as you know no man will see even a fraction of the 
whole. Even the gods rejoice in such unknowing, for it allows the 
possibility of Discovery. Yet we have given, and will give to the extent of 
our natures. Such as you come rarely to this world, who seek solely for 
understanding and knowledge, and hope for power only over self. To you 
we may give all that we have, all that we know, all that we be. Let your will 
go forth to continue this search, and your reward will be as the heavens 
made manifest."9

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

(The piece that follows occurred simultaneous with, but separate from, the 
Angel's speech in this vision. It is the same theme played in a different 
key. The ways in which they harmonize will be left, as they say, as an 
exercise for the reader.)

At the same time as the angel spoke, I saw the primordial universe, 
divided into light and dark. The light and dark were separated along a 
plane that extended to infinity. There was no way to understand the size 
of what I saw, as there was nothing else in the image to compare it with. 
The dark appeared to be a solid wall. There was no intermixture with the 

I looked more closely at the wall, comparing it with the light in which I 
stood, and understood that it was not truly dark. The two sides were 
interchangeable. If I had been on the other side, that side would have 
looked light and this side dark. 

An angel at my side told me that the light and dark were energy and 
matter. Matter is energy turned inside out. The interface between light and 
dark was actually at the level of what would be Tiphereth when the 
universe was created. All of the matter of the lower planes belongs to the 
other side. He emphasized again that if I were on the other side the 
situation would look exactly the same, but with that side being in the light.

The light side, while clearly full of energy, was totally transparent. It had 
no characteristics of any kind that could be seen. 

Suddenly a stream of light shot down towards the wall from behind me. As 
it hit the wall and passed through it shattered into a multitude of small, 
independent and self-sustaining units of energy. 

These units drew a shell of matter around themselves, so that they could 
barely be seen. Their energy interpenetrated to the surface of the shell. 
Eventually all the energy gathered into the shell, leaving the center 
hollow. (I was told that the deepest point in matter reached by the 
descending beam was Malkuth of the Tree.) 

Matter tried to eject these shells, since they were a disturbance of its 
normal motion. It could not do so, but its attempts put a steady pressure 
on the shells. Forcing the shells into a smaller area caused their energy to 
be concentrated, bringing them to a higher state of awareness.

With this increased awareness, the lives withdrew some of their 
substance from the shell, and concentrated it in their centers. The 
concentration of energy caused a rotary field of some sort to be 
generated around each shell. The matter was seen to have an innate 
rotation that was exactly opposite to that of the unit's. This opposition of 
fields caused the pressure on the units to increase tremendously. Each 
unit was forced to concentrate more of its energy in its center to maintain 
its integrity. But at the same time, the interaction of the fields generated 
even more energy, so that the units could add all the new energy they 

This additional energy helped fill the center and support the shell against 
matter. But the pressure also increased, in a kind of feedback loop, so 
that one process encouraged the other, which in turn encouraged the first. 
The units of energy became steadily brighter and stronger within their 

Eventually some of the units found they could discard their shells 
altogether, and maintain themselves against matter's pressure solely 
through their own energetic counterpressure. The frictional effects of the 
two fields continued to generate more energy within the units, allowing 
them to continue expanding.

Since the units were not imbedded too deeply in matter, some of them 
eventually expanded to the degree that their bubbles of counterpressure 
broke through the surface of matter and back out into the light. Their own 
pressure caused them to be blown out through the holes they made, and 
into the light. Most of them immediately withdrew back into matter, but 
with several such experiences they moved out permanently, while 
maintaining their connection with matter in order to keep generating the 
energy they needed to expand.

The area covered by their connections to matter expanded as they did. 
Eventually, both the units and their connections expanded until they were 
lost out of sight, and there was nothing to indicate that they had ever been 
there. But the entire visible area was now just a small area within one 
unit's connecting cord, so the appearance of emptiness was false.

A voice said: This is how the gods reproduce. All gods are positive, and 
therefore can not mate with each other and produce a new entity on their 
own level. So they follow the ancient way, and throw parts of themselves 
into matter, there to disintegrate into the motes you saw. It is essential 
that they go through matter, for this is their source of independent life and 
had this not been done, the extended energy would return to its god and 
meld with his being again. Reproduction would fail.

"These motes are the souls of those who became men and women. Both 
[sexes] are positive with respect to matter, and both have potential to 
become gods again. There is no difference between them. [The emphasis 
is the speaker's, not the scribe's.] Some break their shells early, giving joy 
to their parent. Others stay encysted until the end of the world, when they 
are drawn out of matter whether or not they wish."

(Somewhere in all the above, it was pointed out that an entity on the side 
of things that saw our matter as light and our light as matter, would see 
exactly the same process going on from his side. The sparks sent into 
their matter would appear in our world as energy shooting from Malkuth to 
Tiphereth, and then spending all their time trying to force their way back 
into Malkuth again. These entities are known to us as demons. Of course, 
the demons think we are the demons.)

The two visions merged at the point where the angel said "In coming to 
these squares. . .".

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