Rehearsed the calls and the names, and visualized the pyramid. The pyramid for this square has north = earth, east = earth kerub = Taurus, west = earth of fire of earth = Princess of Wands, and south = fire. I did not feel like I was getting much of response to the invocation. The pyramid was unclear, and would not focus despite repeated invocations, and the use of the letters and the pentagrams. I entered into the pyramid, and saw the sphinx. He had the head and upper body and legs of a bull, and the rear body and tail of a lion. But his front legs were actually arms, so that he looked a bit like a minotaur. He responded in kind to the 5=6 signs, and added the 1=10 sign. The image was still weak and out of focus. I tried to ask him to take me to a place where I could see the power of the square, but the image kept fading in and out, and I could not get the point across. I heard a voice saying something about the "nature of the square", but I could not hear it clearly. Since the session did not seem to be going well, I cut it off and returned to my astral temple. After closing the temple, I returned to my body and went to sleep. (I concluded later that the vision failed because I had spent much of the afternoon considering the implications of the previous vision. I still had a residual "charge" from that vision that had to leak off before a new force could come in clearly.) 11/18/85 At work today, I began to get images related to the square, but they were still weak. There was also a sensation that some kind of written or spoken narrative was waiting for me to hear it or transcribe it. I wrote down a few things, and most of it seemed to relate more or less to this square, but it started to get into praises of my personal power as a magician. This type of message always makes me suspicious, since I had had cause to regret believing similar praise in the past. The more coherent section of the notes began: "I gave the 5=6 sign [to the sphinx] and he responded with the same and added the 1=10 and 4=7 signs. He said: 'Behold, O worshiper, you have reached the culmination of your journey. I have been formed to be your [untranslatable thought involving receptivity to creative impulses] and as my god are you worshiped in turn by all the elements.'" "I questioned him about this comment but kept getting distracted by events in the office. From several repetitions on the sphinx's part, it seemed that he said 'You are now a creator in truth, and therefore you have rights of control over all the elements of the four Walls of Enoch. But I speaketh not of the Floor.'11 He seemed reluctant to say more. "I asked the sphinx to show me a scene representative of the square. I saw a scene of great lushness, tropical, with the heat seeming to rise from the ground. We were in a field surrounded on three sides by jungle, thickest to the north as we faced, thinner on the left, and changing to savannah on the right. To the south, the savannah was burning steadily, without smoke but with fire covering everything from about 100 yards away to the horizon. Children or small sprites played in the thin jungle to the west. "The Bull led me through the trees to the north, to a clearing surrounded by hardwood trees. The soil of the clearing was rich and loamy, and looked as if it had just been turned for planting. "The bull spoke and said that the earth was cleared, and ready for whatever impulse12 I chose to put into it. I asked what sort of impulse it had in mind, and why I should do such a thing. (A touch of paranoia inspired by his previous comments about my privileges.) "He explained that as a creator, I had to demonstrate my creativity by putting a new thing into this world. My interpretation of Achad's cabala would be such a thing. If I wished such a creation to grow and continue to bear fruit, it must be planted as a fire in the earth. "I asked if anything else could be planted there, and what sort of thing. He said that anything would do, so long as it came from my own mind. He had suggested my cabala as my most worthy creation. "I asked how to do it and was told to plant its image in the soil. I visualized Achad's version of the Tree of Life. With each path that I added, I tried to put in the flavor or quality that I associated with the essence of the path. With the Tree visualized as best I could, I concentrated the image in my ajna center, and then threw it out from myself to enlarge and stand above the soil. "Saying, "May this Tree live forever, and cover all the earth with its glory.", I caused it to sink into the soil until it was gone from sight. "The Bull rejoiced with a glad heart." At this point, business in the office picked up, and I had to spend the rest of the day interviewing. I stuffed my notes away and forgot about it until evening. I did the invocations again beginning at 6:06 pm. I got a clear image of the pyramid, and also a clear image of the sphinx, who seemed decidedly bored with all these comings and goings. He nodded to me and gestured upwards with his nose. I tested him with the pentagram and letters, which seemed to strengthen him. But the vision did not seem to want to go any where. So I got up and transcribed the above account of the events up to date, and went to do a Tarot reading to see if it would shed any light on the matter. The reading indicated specifically that it was my resistance to the praise in the vision that was keeping me from seeing it clearly, and that I should throw myself into it and let the resistance come after it was over, if it had to. The "Celtic Cross" spread was the one used, and in the position defining the querent, it indicated a man who was disappointed because what he had intended to be a simple teaching aid had ceased to be so. This was so close to the mark that I had to laugh. While I was putting the cards away, I got an image of the Egyptian goddess who rules the square, Nepthys. She was wearing the Moon Crown, with black and white nemyss, collar, and tunic, and she had yellow skin. She gestured to me and lead me into the forest to the north of the field in which we stood. I saw that it was the same field of this afternoon's vision, but that it was night now, and a new moon matching the real moon's phase was in the sky. Despite being just a sliver, the vision's moon put out enough light to see. We traveled again to the clearing of the earlier visions. It looked the same as I approached it, but as soon as I entered, I was covered by a thick darkness, almost palpable. The faintest of red glows could be seen or felt within it. Growing nervous, I intended to call upon Nepthys, but the name that I called out was "Nuit!"13 Immediately the sky cleared and the darkness vanished. The first thing my eyes saw was the night sky, brilliant stars in blackness, seeming to loom down. I could feel that the sky was Nuit. A voice without words said "Yes, my child, I, the mother of all and the end of all, come upon you. The thick darkness that you saw, laced with faint red, is my special sign to you, with the feeling of my presence that it gives. You saw it once before when you emerged from the Tree [in The Beast and the Star]." The sky loomed yet nearer, and in some way the dimensions twisted, so that the earth and myself interpenetrated with the field of stars. We seemed to be parsecs across, but at the same time we retained our normal small size on the cosmic scale. I felt myself being drawn into the field of stars, changing my shape to the basic sphere, whose simple elegance rules in the macrocosm. My earthly self was partially shed, so that I was touched at a deeper level by the scene. I noted that in some way the spirit of the earth had been drawn up with me, and was itself become as a star in that sky. She appeared first as I usually see her from space, blue and brown clothed in white, then I saw her on the astral level, shrouded in a cloud of noxious gases, only a few of which are material in nature. Then I saw her transformed, glowing brightly enough to outshine all else around her. (Throughout all this, I had simultaneously been seeing the earth as a planet and as a woman. In woman-phase, she appeared first as a mother about 25 years old, fully mature in body and young in outlook. The correspondence to the miasma-image was a woman who had been burdened with the karma of millions through no fault of her own. In her transformation, she shed the dark, murky stew of emotions in which she had been clothed, She appeared young and bright, but with a knowledge so deep that it had made her innocent again. I marveled at the beauty of this young woman, though I can not describe it at all now beyond saying that she seemed to be all things at once. And even more I marveled that I was connected to her in some way that made me feel married. On thinking about this, it seemed reasonable. Earth certainly knows at least as much about me as a wife does about her husband. And, reversing it, my own knowledge of her, so very much less, was about equal to the average husband's knowledge of his wife. The connection between us felt very good, with an undercurrent of love given unconditionally. Love fairly shone from her and blinded me until I turned away.) Nuit said, again without words, "This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss."14 I was then sent a burst of information, and it took a while to untangle it all. It was the success of myself and my fellow magicians that "regenerated" the world. Every time one human being became fully aware of his/her star-ness, it raised the spiritual level of the being that enlivened the earth as well. In incarnating as the earth, this being had deliberately cut herself off from communion with her fellows among the stars. She had voluntarily "entered a prison of the flesh" in order to set the conditions necessary for her own next initiation. In doing so, she had also made herself the garbage dump for all the negative emotional matter in this sector of space. Receiving all this emotional matter served dual purposes. In relation to the earth herself, it enabled her to perform a "service" for her "community", loosely speaking, while at the same time undergoing a trial necessary to her advancement. The act was a service because it gave certain other stellar beings in the neighborhood, notably the star Set (Sirius or Sothis), a clean environment in which to undergo his next initiation, and to perform certain other magickal tasks. Now, to get out of this condition, it is necessary for the earth to have a certain number of fully conscious beings living in her, who are aware of their place in the larger cosmos. When these beings throw their consciousness outside the earth's aura, they punch holes in the blanket of emotional matter surrounding the earth. These holes continue to expand so long as the person maintains some connection within the earth's sphere. Each hole allows energy and information from the outside to get back to the earth's Life. Thus, she gains strength she needs to disperse the cloud, and material of the proper grade for her own growth. And since each adept's consciousness is reflected in her own, the increased vibrations of the adept's awareness also raises her own state of consciousness slightly, further helping her to regain her lost state. When the needed number of adepts are fully linked into the outer universe, then the earth can use their paths as a route to send her whole awareness out. From outside the material aura of the planet, she can take direct action to disperse the emotional miasma, and those beings who live on earth because of it. With the Air again clear, then balance will be restored to the relations between the kingdoms on earth, and man will find his place as its caretaker. Thus, the initiations of individuals do good to the earth simply by having happened. Their continued existence on earth continues the good, so long as their knowledge of their place as stars in the womb of Nuit also continues. They need do nothing else but pursue their own wills. This is why it is a lie that sacrifice is necessary to initiation, and a lie that the initiated have a duty to spread their knowledge. Nuit bent down and enveloped myself and the earth in an embrace that was inside us as well as about us. It definitely felt like a kiss despite enclosing us completely. Then I returned to the clearing where we started, and the earth spirit went back into her body. I looked about the clearing and wondered if I should close the vision or continue. A voice told me to wait a moment. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom. It had taken a while to sort out what that burst of information had in it, and it was now 8:10 pm. I am certain that I have forgotten a lot of what was in the burst. For a while, ideas had gone by so fast that they were replaced by another before the could be absorbed. I returned to the clearing. It was still and quiet. The moon seemed to have gone lower in the western sky, and there was not as much light. What little there was faded quickly, leaving me again in full darkness. I heard: "You have invoked the powers of the fire of earth. And as we have told you, we have given to you in full measure. For is not the being who is the life of Earth ultimately the true fire of earth? Did she not inject herself into the body of earth as in the square "T", cutting herself off from her kind in order to bring life to the world? And did not her life disperse throughout the earth, as in the square "M", feeding every living creature, maintaining order of types and functions among them? And did not you, her creature, under the pressure of her life, become transformed from an amorphous lump into a Star? And is this not the reward of all the adepts upon her? And did you not see yourself, a Star of fire15, married to her within my field? And is not the heart of your soul, your own creation, now buried in her to grow and reproduce? Thus ye have made her the Bride, and IHVH is fulfilled within the Fiery Lesser Angle." Abruptly, the vision ended, and all sense of connection was gone. I went and finished this account of the vision, which I end here at 10:10pm. ----------------------------------------------------- Notes and comments: (1985) When I started this series of astral visions, it was only with the thought of doing something interesting with some unexpected free time. Square "T" was picked on a moment's impulse. It was only after the vision that I thought about invoking the other squares in the series. The experience of the first vision brought to mind one of the things that has annoyed me about published accounts of the Enochian squares. That is, these accounts all seemed haphazard. Squares were picked at random, and no effort was made to show the squares in their relation to the rest of the Tablet. While this might be satisfactory for demonstrating astral projection techniques, it did not do justice to the complexity or quality of the system. I decided to do a series of projections for related squares of one of the Tablets. The one I had just done seemed an ideal starting point. All the squares in this series are what is known as "kerubic" squares. There are four in each of the lesser angles of each tablet, and they direct the operations of the sixteen subservient squares of the Angle. Their position and function make them an embodiment of the overall powers of the Angle. The formula of IHVH determines most of the attributions in the tablets. Each of the kerubic squares is related to one letter of IHVH, as their name implies. Since each Lesser Angle and each Tablet is also related to one of the letters, we have three levels of interaction with the name. So under this system, the square "T" represents Fire of Fire of Earth, square "M" is Water of Fire of Earth, and so on. This symbolism is fairly clear in the visions. By the time I started on the square "M", I had a whole plan lined out for doing the visions, analyzing the symbolism, and showing the interrelations between them. Nothing more was expected of the visions than a more-or- less formal presentation of symbolic correspondences, and their relation to everyday events and objects. This was all I had gotten out of the system up till then, and there seemed no reason to expect anything different. After the second vision, this was still my intent. But after the first of the invocations for the square "S", I began to get feelings that things were getting out of hand. There was an impression that someone had co-opted my little project and that I was no longer in control of it. This is to be expected when a higher force is invoked, but the Elemental Tablets had always seemed to relate to the forces operating in the mundane world, which are normally under the magician's control. The manner in which the vision of square "S" occurred verified that something more than my own will was involved in creating the vision. First, much of it occurred without my normal consciousness being involved. It appears that my magickal self was isolated from my mundane persona for the vision, and the persona only remembered it after the fact. Second, the events of the vision occurred in a way that defies normal concepts of experiential time. Certain sections are remembered as having happened one at a time, and yet they are also remembered as happening simultaneously. I had experienced this effect before, but not in cases involving such a large amount of information. The twisted-time effect was even more pronounced in square "I". The vision occurred in a way that was not at all serial. Instead, it appeared as a complete creation in four dimensions, and was only translated into a serial-time mode after the fact. I would like to point out that the visions continued to follow the attributions of the squares invoked despite the change of approach and scope in the latter two visions. Beyond this, they speak for themselves. You may have noticed that the starting and stopping times of the visions include a large number of symmetric numbers. This was not deliberate. My unconscious is attracted to these numbers, and frequently arranges events in this way. There is no particular occult meaning involved.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Square "I" of ISMT. Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet
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